Corporate Yoga

Coming from the corporate world, I know how stressful it can be and how important it is for employees to have the opportunity to take a well-deserved “breath break”.  Incorporating a yoga wellness program into your work environment is a great way to boost productivity, decrease stress, and build community among employees.

Yoga can be a welcome break to a busy work day or a relaxing way to de-stress at the end of the day.

Private Yoga New Jersey will structure an energizing and uplifting yoga program that meets your needs, serving your office during lunch or at a time which works best for your office team.

Why Corporate Yoga?

Increased productivity, creativity, and efficiency

Decreased health care costs

Reduced staff turnover

Reduced employee absenteeism

Create higher job satisfaction amongst employees

Become attractive to potential employees seeking employment with your company

Our goal is to bring forth a comprehensive corporate yoga program that familiarizes your employees with the most important and beneficial aspects of the practice such as breathing and postures for stress management and improved productivity.

What do you need?

A quiet space large enough to use (boardroom, lunchroom, spare office, gymnasium, etc.)

Each participant will require a yoga mat